Frequently Asked Questions
Are you a Monument company with a physical address, or an internet site?
We are a Monument company with a physical address. We are located at 9136 Davison Road, Davison, MI 48423. Davison Monument Company is Owned & Operated by Allen Funeral home since 1961. We offer appointments at our location, as well as, home visits.
How do I begin the process of ordering a headstone or grave maker?
We suggest calling us at (810) 412-5890 to set-up an initial consultation with our memorialist. We will then determine what type of memorial is accepted by the cemetery and create a memorial using Monuvision, the latest web design tool.
Do you offer a guarantee on you headstones?
Yes, all of our memorials come with a Certificate of Guarantee of Material and Workmanship. This guarantees that your Memorial is free of any imperfections and that the finish shows the natural color formation and true texture of the granite. It also guarantees that your Memorial will not crack, check, or disintegrate in any manner whatsoever. Should any imperfection of material or workmanship appear at any future time, your memorial will be replaced without cost or expense to you or your heirs.
Do we need to wait for any length of time after a death before ordering a memorial?
No. Typically it takes from 4 weeks to 180 days to produce and deliver your memorial. Most cemeteries will have the ground prepared and the foundation in prior to that.
How long does it take to complete a memorial?
We expect to deliver your completed memorial (if using inventory stock) in 4 to 6 weeks after you have approved your artwork. Memorials from non inventory stock can take up to 90 to 180 days to complete and deliver. We custom order the stock, after your approved artwork is received, so that you can make any changes you want during the time you are designing the marker. Then need to wait for the granite to arrive, either from a domestic site or from an international quarry. Winter also interrupts our schedule for deliveries.
Why would I buy a memorial in advance?
Memorials are to represent the individuals they are made for… who better to decide how they want to be remembered than the person the marker is for? Decision making in advance is easier than at a time of grief.
What is the difference between granite and marble?
Marble is a sedimentary stone and will break down quickly when exposed to the weather, while granite is an igneous rock and will show little to no change for centuries.
Should I use years only or month, day and year?
This is strictly a personal choice; listing the full date of birth and passing gives more complete information for future generations, but the choice is yours.
If I run into problems at the cemetery who should I go to for help?
If the problem concerns the actual marker, we suggest you first call us. If it is about another issue, and you cannot get satisfaction from the cemetery, you can contact the State of Michigan’s Cemetery commissioner.
Do all cemeteries allow the same type of memorial?
No, marker regulations vary from cemetery to cemetery and in some cases vary inside the same cemetery from section to section or even lot to lot. It is always best to check with your cemetery, or a qualified Monument company, to be sure you purchase something that conforms to your cemetery’s restrictions.
How much does a Monument cost?
The cost of your memorial will vary, based on size, material, finish, and possible extra items such as vases or ceramic photos. Remember, above all else… when it comes to a marker you truly get what you pay for. Anyone can adjust quality to accommodate a lower price. We are happy to give you specific prices by asking a few simple questions.

Our Partners

Allen Funeral Home
Cold Spring Granite
Patten Monuments

Davison Monument is part of:
Allen Funeral Home
9136 Davison Road
Davison, Michigan 48423